A couple of weeks ago I wrote about my summer “To Do” list, and how I am working to check things off.
Well, Diane finished the touch up painting, I finished the drapes for The Red Carpet room, and I can now check off a new hosta garden! The only thing left will be to add a few decorations.
The stages in this garden happened as this: Brian sprayed and killed the grass in the new garden area. I ended up waiting about 10 days before I could get to work on the rest due to weather and other priority jobs. This past Friday I began to divide some of my hostas and put a few in the ground. Then on Saturday, I walked around my other gardens pulling my “little red wagon”, and I filled it with hostas to place in the new garden. My series of pictures to follow, show the stages in my planting process. Dried grass, hosta filled wagon, sorting the hostas to decide where to put them, filling in the garden. Then I used my wagon to move bags of black mulch from our trailer to the garden. The plants all did fine in the move, they look a bit stressed in the pictures, but by the end of this week, I am sure they will all perk up! I love the greens that come out in and under the trees that overhang this garden! Now… to write a new “To Do” list!!!