Over grown to enjoying a sunny space

June 2, 2017 | Blog, News & Updates

I have enjoyed this huge hosta plant that has been growing on the North side of our building.  But in the last two years it has grown so much it has begun to overtake the sidewalk and has been causing a little foundation problem.  I decided to move it to the yard just across the sidewalk so it could have as much space as it wanted!!  Also allowing us easier access to do foundation repair.   Below is a sequence of pictures to show the move, and I put two new smaller hostas in place of the old one.  The big plant seems to be taking nicely to the new spot!  My plan now is to continue to add hostas to this section of our front yard until it is all full of hostas!  That will definitely be a multi-year project.  If anyone needs to thin your hostas and wants to donate to our hosta bed….feel free to let me know!! 😉

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