“Where in the world?”

June 29, 2016 | Blog, News & Updates

Where in the World

“Where in the world….are you from?”

Probably the best part of owning and working at Zuber’s is meeting all the people who come to stay with us!  It is so fun to talk to the guests and to hear where everyone is from.  We have had guests from all around the world in just the 3 short years we’ve owned Zuber’s.  I decided that it would be fun to put up maps and let our guests see where other guests have come from and to “show” where they are from.  There is a map of the world – for those from other countries, a United States map for those who are from other states in the U.S., and there is an Iowa map – for all of the Iowa guests that come to stay with us. There are pins in the drawer to use to “mark” the map and a notebook to record your name and city, state, or country.

          We’re looking forward to seeing how many different places our guests come from!

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